Well I have spent the last 4 days in a four wheel drive (dave you would be happy). I took a bus from La Paz to the town of Uyuni, then joined my tour to the Salar de Uyuni.
The Salar de Uyuni is the world´s largest salt flat, it is 12 000 Kms squared. It was a salt lake that dried up and has left huge salt planes. It is completely amazing and really surreal to drive around and see only white as far as the eye can see. There is one island in the middle of the salt flats which is made up of dried coral and has many a cacti. It is so hot and dry during the day your skin and lips get all cracked. At night it gets to freezing temperatures or sometimes 20 below!
I again was blessed with a great tour group there were two vans but the people on mine were great. There were three people from France, Sandrine, Celene and Anthony (who live in Ireland so speak with an Irish accent which is cute) and a lovely couple Simon and Rachel from the UK. We had many laughs and many a very competitive game of uno. We also had the worlds most calm and patient driver Carlos!
Here is a quick run down of our tour.
Day 1: Drove through the salt planes amazing scenery, and great surreal photos.
One puncture, eggs for dinner.
Day 2: Drove through the desert which is surrounded by huge volcanos and visited many lagoons some of which had red water Laguna Colorada, which also had many flamingos.
Two punctures and the exhaust fell of our car. Eggs for dinner.
Day 3: Up at 5am visited some geothermal geysers, then had a bath in some hot springs and more driving through the desert to Laguna Verde this cool aquamarine coloured lake which had great reflections of the nearby volcanos.
That night after again more eggs for dinner (not many veggie options on the tour) some kids from the local school who were studying music came and gave an impromptue performance for us. They all had on costumes and played pan pipes, drums, guitar and various percussion instruments. They all sang really loud for there favourite songs and danced up a storm. It was so adorable and something really special I will remember.
Day 4: Lots of driving back to Uyuni, stopping at a canyon and visiting volcanic rock formations.
20 mins from Uyuni another puncture (god bless carlos)
I am now in Uyuni for the night and by group and I caught up for Pizza at this restuarant called minute man which is owned by a guy form Boston (his wife if Bolivian) I would have to say it has been the best pizza I have eaten since I left New York!!! It was amazing and for $5 including a beer so cheap!
and I head to Potosi tomorrow. I have some fantastic photos I would love to put up but the computers here have no USB so will do it ASAP