Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My New Home

Well I have been in Canada for nearly a month now.

After going to Toronto for Christmas, I have started to settle-down in Vancouver. New Years was a quiet affair but I had a nice time. During the day Carolyn's friend Jason drove us up to Cypres which is a mountain resort in North Vancouver, we went snow-shoeing. you go along set trails and it was very beautiful with all the trees covered in snow. It was great to be out-side. It's like bush-walking but with snow instead.
(Carolyn and Jason walk ahead on the path)

(Rocking out in Snow-Shoes)

That evening I went out to dinner with Carolyn and Bucky and we had a great meal topped off with lots of wine and champagne.

I now have an apartment which is in a great area and close to my friend Carolyn's. I've had my first week of work which was mainly computer training. But everyone I work with seems really nice and I think I will enjoy it there. It is a temporary job for 9 months to cover a maternity leave.

While Vancouver lacks the excitement of London in ways and the warmth and fun of Australia. It is a great city and I am happy to be here, it has a great outdoorsy feel to it as well as being a big city. It is just so nice to have clean air, a great vibe and lovely scenery.

(a picture of north Vancouver)

(Downtown and mountains from Kitsilano)

The rain gets you down and it feels like I have forgotten what the sun looks like, but I can't wait to be able to go snowboarding at Whistler on the weekends!


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