Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Ontario For Christmas

After flying from Australia I spent two days in Vancouver trying to recover.

I then flew to Toronto where I met Will at the airport. I spent a week at his mother's house. I met lots of his family who were all lovely to me and despite Will's worries none of them managed to scare me off him ;)

Will took me to Niagra Falls which was great, it was freezing and raining but that meant there were not crowds at least. I thought it was just falls but it turns out there is a huge tacky side to it, with the major street of Clifton Hill (funny for those from my home neighborhood in Australia) being full of fun parks, celebrity museums and themed restaurants. It's like Vegas but more pathetic. Sounds bad but the falls are cool.

We went into Toronto for a day on Christmas eve and it was very quiet in town and we went up the CN Tower and I got to sit on the glass floor.

(look out below)

I didn't get to have a white Christmas on the day but there was still snow on the ground so that counts for something.(Willy shoveling snow)

I got some lovely gifts and Will's family were very generous to us giving us stuff to take to set up our home together.

After a week it was another sad goodbye to Will as he headed back to Saskatoon and me to Vancouver.


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