
Well, I have spent my last 4 days in the area of Arequipa, again in Southern Peru. Had a horrible, horrible overnight bus ride which involved being touched up by some old fat lady. I am not sure if it was an accident or she was looking for money.
Arequipa is a beautiful city full of old monestries, a great plaza and beautiful colonial buildings. It is located near several volcanos which provides a spectacular backdrop. I spend my first day wondering around. Stumbling upon many political rallies. The election here is on the 9th of April there are 20 presidential candidates.
The next two days I took a tour to the nearby Canyon de Colca which is the worlds deepest canyon. I did not feel like getting up at 2am to trek it so took the easy option of a bus tour. On the way we saw many Llamas and Alpacas. Also many of the locals sell handmade knits and crafts at the roadside. Lots of kids dress up in traditional costume and pose with baby llamas. Very touristy but they are so adorable. We did a small hike visited some burial grounds, viewed the canyon and local villages. On the second day we visited Cruz de Condor and we got to see 4 condors they are huge birds. Also visited I think one of the worlds highest toilets 4900m.
There were some great people on the tour, and spent my last day hanging out with this cool Scottish guy NICK. After a marathon chess game which ended in a draw (I think that is pretty good for me) we visited a Museum which contains preserved bodies of sacrificial children. Sounds a litttle creepy I know but the Incas believed that the mountains were gods and after volcanic erruptions they sacrificed pure, noble children to appease the gods. The children were burried in graves along with gifts of pottery, gold statues and idols of gods.
A few years ago explorers disscovered almost perfect remains of these sacrificies, as for hundreds of years they had been burried in ice. You can see all the burried artifacts as well as one of the preserved bodies in the museum it was really facinating.
Photos soon. Off to Cusco tonight, may have difficulty getting an Inca trek as many places are booked out so please cross your fingers and toes for me. Lots of love Alicia
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