Wow, I have been having an absolute blast.
Kate my new travell buddy and I caught the train from Berlin to Prague. Where we stayed in a great hostel. We arrived in the late afternoon (it gets dark around 4 now) and decided to look around anyway. It is such a pretty city and the christmas market and tree looked lovely in the old town square.
Well getting our priorities right we found this great traditional Czech beer hall U Zlateho Tygra which was fantastic. We walked in to turn heads as there were no tourists there and it was full of old men. After being befriended by possible Czech and Russian Mafia (or so they joked, but it could have been true) we had some of the finest beer I have tasted Pilsner Urquell and it is fantastically cheap beer is cheaper tahn water in this country. It is the kind of place that only serves beer, they run you a tab and if your beer is almost empty another is whisked in front of you promptly. Needless to say we went back there everynight.

The next day we met up with our other travel buddy from Berlin Will (aka Ducky) we spent the day wandering around Prague visiting the castle and admiring all classic beautiful buildings and old bridges. That night was St Nicholas night which required people to go dressed up as either st Nick, and angel and the devil. They then proceded to scare the shit out of poor kids (mainly the devils work) and then give them sweets (the angels work) while amused parents look on.

For us it was another large night which consistend of a minimum of 2.5 litres of beer with tequilla and absinthe to boot, (when I put the pics up notice the start vs end of night).

The next day a day trip to Kutn Hora where someone decorated a church with old bones from the plague days. The bones of 40,000 people have been carved into chandeliers etc. Cool but a bit creepy.
Then the three of us set off again for Cesky Krumlov. We stopped over in Ceske Budejovice to visit the Budar Budweiser Brewery but we were 5 mins late and the bitch at the desk refused to let us join late. We were not impressed but still sampled the beers in the restaurant. We continued on to Ceskya Krumlov small town in Bohemia which is delightful very sweet and beautiful. We walked around and had a great time followed off with a night of more Absinthe, and some headaches in the morning.

So I have been having a great time and partying very hard but I did also spend a lot of time seeing the sights and lovely towns. But Will and I head off to Vienna I think for a bit of a de-tox as well. Very sad moment but we had to sa good bye to the lovely Kate :(