Well Tom and I left Las Leñas to Mendoza. Argentina defeated Mexico in the football and our whole bus erupted into cheers and I was worried the driver was not going to put his hands back on the wheel after celebrating. We met a really lovely girl called celeste, whose parents gave us a lift to our hostel.
Rob and nina have had to move on as they have to fly out soon so I wont see them again until the UK so it was sad to leave them.
We spent a day relaxing and watching football of course.

The next day we took a winery tour. Mendoza is a very famous wine growing region, there are hundres of wineries. The good thing is you can drink some very lovely wines for such cheap prices. We visited 3 wineries and a liquer distillary. At the third winery they fed us lunch which was one of the best meals I have had travelling. A full table of antipasto, which we ate and started to feel full, then came the hot food; empanadas, stuffed pumpkins etc. Followed by a fantastic dessert. I normally do not write about food but it was such an amazing meal.

The next day we were up early after a few wines the night before to a alta montaña trip. It was a little boring as we spent nearly the whole day on a bus but we did see some cool things. Mount Cero Acongauga which is the highest peak outside of asia at around 6900m, but it was hiding behind clouds. Also punta de Inca which is a natural thermal spring which is full of minerals and has left bright yellow and green deposits on the rock. We did play around with a sled in the snow as well.
The next day we went white water rafting I was a little nervous after we were taught all the commands and safety instructions. But afterward we got in the water it was great. There were only 4 of us in the raft so we had to work pretty hard but we also had lots of fun, spinning the raft around, standing up etc. It was a blast! I loved it!

That night we went to the bus station and I took an overnight bus to salta and Tom to Buenas Aires. At first it was a little strange and I left a little lonely but I do enjoy and relish the time travelling by myself.