Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Friday, June 09, 2006

The end of the world - Ushuaia

Well after a very long bus ride, in which we cross the Magellen Straight in Patagonia, we crossed the border into Argentina.

I am now in the city of Ushuaia which is ¨the end of the world¨ and I mean that. It is the Southern most city in the whole entire world. So naturally it is a tourist attraction if you take your passport to the tourist office you can get it stamped with a ¨end of the world stamp¨. In summer it is normally teaming with tourists taking cruises to Antartica, but it being winter it is more quiet. At the moment it is snowing which makes for lovely backdrop of snow covered peaks.

Yesterday we took a boat around the beagle channel where we visited a lighthouse and islands which have cormorants and lots of sea lions.

It being Argentina of course world cup fever is well alive. You may think that people are excited in Australia but you have to remember here that football is more than a passion it is a way of life.


At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lonely, i´m so lonely, i´ve got no body to call my own :)

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Alicia said...

Very Funny Nina!!!!


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