Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Time on Buses and Bariloche

As Argentina is a large country we have spent a lot of time on buses, to me it has all turned into a blur but I have stolen the following information from Rob and Ninas blog about all our time spent travelling on the buses.

in the last 10 days we´ve done:
18 hours, 3 buses, one ferry from Puerto Natales to Ushuaia,
16 hours 3 buses, one ferry from Ushuaia to El Calafate,
24 hours 2 buses from el calafate to Puerto Madryn,
and13 hours one bus Puerto Madryn to Bariloche.

Total hours with only flat Patagonia steppe to stare at 67. Hours of mountainous lake district last 4. Border crossings: 6 passport stamps.

We spent a total of 3 days in Bariloche a very pretty town on the lake district. We went there with the intention to snowboard, and visit the surrounds. However it rained constantly and all we pretty much were able to do was watch the football and eat. The good thing about Bariloche was that nearly every second town is a chocolate shop so we indulged in cakes and chocolate. I also watched people drool and devour huge steak dinners (I got to eat a salad!). Also met some great people in our dorm and we all went out to a bar one night, which was a lot of fun.


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