Back To San Pedro
Well after another awful bus ride. I have not said how awful they are but they suck. They are super slow like 3-4 hours for about 150Kms. The roads here are not the best, the bridges even worse. There is no toilet or aircon and it has been so hot they are like a sauna.
Anyway enough of that, although I hate the bus rides when I get to a destination I love it. I started my homestay on Sunday. My new mum Señora Barbosa is lovely, we do not talk a lot as my spanish is limited and she has no english. She is a great cook though I have the best meals, for breakfast fruit platters, bread and tea. For dinner fish fillets, rice, beans, salad, custard with chocolate sauce. Claudia when I get home I want it this good :)
Classes are going ok, it is difficult as in my class we are covering stuff I already know, and one of the older (65ish) students is struggling so we are going a little slower. However the class above me is quite difficult I feel that I am learning some new stuff everyday. It is tiring though. 4 hours of class. Then in the Afternoon Latin Dance Class!!!
Man, learning latin dance entirely in spanish is difficult. My teacher is ace, she is Cuban and has an awsome sense of humor. So far I have learnt, the Cha Cha, Merengue, Costa Rican Salsa and today the Cuban Salsa. I have not really mastered them and to say when I dance with the other student (a swiss guy) we look super unco. It is a workout though and lots of fun, it has been a while since I felt this stupid. Man the cuban salsa is very difficult, so many steps, spins, piviots etc. You literally have to take it one step at a time.
The school is great they can help with tours etc and they are taking us to the market next week. Well hope you are all well. Sorry about the lack of photos, the computer does not seem to have a USB port but I will definatley try my best to get them on. I know I have been saying that for a while, but I can only try. I best go my dinner is awaiting. Yum!