
Hey all,
Been on the moose tour for 5 days now, having fun a good tour bunch who enjoy lots of beers and time in the hot tubs, mainly auzzies but lots of other nationalities. Tour leaders are pretty cool too.
Have been snowboarding for 3 days, can slide bothe edges zig zag and I'm starting to turn, had some lessons had an awsome teacher in Lake Louise.
It's so amazing here landscapes that I've never seen before, they are awe inspiring. So far we have been to Banff, Lake Louise, Kimberley and we've just arrived in fernie.
I'm finding it a great challenge to learn to board, it's been a while since I've felt challenged, although frustrating it's a great feeling, makes you feel alive. Have also been to hot springs, seen frozen waterfalls, also to the local dodgy banff night club hoodoos tomorrow we are going to a hockey game.
Here is a photo of the morning sun at Kimberley
Got to go lots of love to all.
alicia xoxo
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