Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Things about North America:

Just some random thoughts on my time in North America: Little things I've noticed or learned:

* Always order small never medium or large. A small size here is equivalent to a medium or standard size here, the size of medium or god forbid large is astronomical. A small pizza is equivalent to a large back home.
* Americans are not as fat as I thought, well in new york they're all pretty ok I think it must be all the walking, although when your shopping here clothes sizes here are pretty big. I'm a size 1 juniors.
* Canadian public toilets are super clean.
* Half the population of Canada seems to be Australian, those damn working holiday makers, I understand why Canada seems to have a relaxed vibe much like Australia and the people are just as great!
* Canadian cheese sucks and is expensive.
* Canadian boys are cuter than US boys (well from the ones I've seen)
* New York doesn't really have super markets but they have some great little deli's.
* Also the subway in new york is not as scarey as I expected.
* As great as New York is I do not think I could ever live there. With the average rent of a one bedroom place being $1500 per month, that kinda makes it hard. But although there is so much culture and interesting things, there is no real outdoor lifestyle, most of the grass in parks is fenced off and if central park did not exist most new yorkers would go crazy.

That's all for now If I can think of anything I forgot I may add it later.


At 5:17 PM, Blogger Sassy said...

Glad you had some nice things to say about Canadians! I agree about the boys and the cheese...but I may just be a bit bias too. :)Enjoy the rest of your trip!


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