Jaco & Manual Antonio - Costa Rica

Hey all, I´ve made it here safely! Arrived in San Jose, spent 2 hours waiting at a dodgy bus station and caught the bus to Jaco. A beach resort town, it´s not super seedy however it seems like an american version of Bali, lots of tourists. I couldn´t get much more of a contrast between new york and here. After being in the cold super big city, Where no one is really interested in you. To arrive here it´s hot 32 degrees (which is stinking hot after being in 4 degrees weather), green and lush, people are always offering you stuff or asking you for money. Tourists are here everywhere. The people in my room are really cool a aussie guy called paul and a sweedish girl called sophia. We went out for dinner last night! Then met some of Sophia´s friends then went to this bar called the beetle bar. We mainly went there to people watch. It´s a bar that is full of fat old American men and local prostitutes, it was still reasonaly safe, however it was quite interesting to watch all the behaviour going on. Today I´m hitting the beach and then to pool. Happy Australia day to all!!!!
The picture here is of Manual Antonio
Jaco was ok, very touristy but kinda dodgy. After Jaco I went to Manuel Antonio. Again very toursty but it is lovely there is a great beach, and a national park with 3 beaches in it. Again it has been very hot so I have been swimming. My hostel was lovely, I had to catch the bus to the town but it was only a few minutes. The hostel was on top of the hills and each night we had a beautiful sunset to view from hammocks. I went to the national park and got to see some Sloths, Monkeys, Racoons, Birds and Lizzards. Again I met some great people Kyle and Britney from the US were lovely and I also met some guys who are riding bikes from California to the tip of south Argentina, they are raising money for non profit organisations. Check out there website. www.pedalforthepeople.org
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