New York New York

Hey all, me from the big apple.
Wow this city is amazing, after it taking me 4 hours to get out of JFK airport to my hostel, surviving a crazy bus driver, the NY subway I made it feeling a little overwealmed. I met another auzzie girl from Tassie who had just arrived as well so we decided to stick together. Spend the last two days on a tour bus seeing the sights, so I can orient myself in this city (it is huge and that's just manhattan!). Times square is amazing it would set of many epileptic fits I imagine. Today the weather was awful howling winds and rain, so it limited activities. However I did walk around mid-town went to the UN building, trump world tower, grand central station, and the NY library (which is an awsome building).
hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow, so I can go see more sights.
I'm I bit bummed at the moment as I returned to the hostel to get a message to say I had won tickets to see the letterman show, but I'd been out all day, so I was not able to call back in time. So I'll try again tomorrow but please all cross your fingers for me. I'll add some photos soon.
Love Alicia
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