Volcanos:On the weekend I went for a day trip to Volcan Poas, which is a crater volcano located not too far outside of San Jose. When I first arrived, a mist had settled and from the viewing platform I could see only cloud. So I went for a walk in the nearby cloud forest which was very pretty and I got to see some hummingbirds (technicaly you hear them first then look for them, however they are very quick). I retured to the volcano to see an awsome sight. Poas is considered not really active, as a while ago it blew its top and now there is a big crater. There are still jets of steam that arrise from the volcano. The landscape is interesting the crater looks like something you would find on another planet. There is also a volcanic lake nearby, another volcanic crater which has been filled with rainwater. However the water is so acidic only some kinds of bacteria can live it. For those bird people on the way back we stoped the bus to see a Quetsal (a rather sepectacular looking bird and great to see, because apparently the die if put into captivity).
Elections:Also the weekend, Costa Rica had its election. However the president has not been decided as at last count there was 0.6% difference between the two front runners. Here people wear there political preferences on their sleeve (well more like out the car window). Supporting your party involves driving around on the day of the election, and flying coloured flag (there is the green and white party vs the red and yellow) of your party out the window. If you see a fellow supporter you honk you horn like crazy, if you see an opposition car you also honk your horn like crazy. Basically all you could hear on Sunday was horns honking all day (what a headache!).
Ticos:The ticos (what the locals call themselves, Costa Ricanese is a bit of a mouthfull) are pretty laid back people (tranquillo as they would say here) however there is still a ban on the sale of alcohol on the day before and of the election. Things do not get too roudy here. Costa Rica has not had an army for a long time so there is a relaxed culture among the people (that combined with the fact in terms of central america the country is reasonalbly well off) and apparently they will avoid confrontation. This is helpful as when people try to sell you stuff if you just say no politley they leave you alone (most of the time, except for that transexual with the dog in a pram). Also that still does not explain why secruity guards carry large shotguns. The most dangerous thing here is the potholes and roads. Apparently San Jose was built over several underground rivers. Hence massive holes in the ground just appear out of no-where on the street. The government is to tight to fix them which makes it dangerous for drinking and as for riding a bike forget it, it may only be possible if you have dual suspension.
School:Is going well, my brain hurts after thinking, speaking, asking, listening to Spanish all day. IT is weird though everyother student at my school is Swiss German, kinda freaky it is a bit like the Australians in Canada they are everywhere. Two of the girls insist they are from Liktenstein (¿spelling?) but it is so small 30,000 people. Does that count as a country?