Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Monday, February 05, 2007

So What's Up With Me!

Hey all,

Well you are probably wondering what the hell I've been doing. So here is a quick update.

I'm still living in London I've been here since November now. I was working at a hospital near Wembly Stadium (Northwick Park). Lovely people to work with but a rather chaotic department.

I've got a new job now where I have been for 2 weeks, it is still a locum position but they have me as long - term/ongoing. I'm a paediatric audiologist doing both diagnostic and rehabilitation. For the UK it is a super uptight department soooo much paperwork. But the standard of equipment and audiology is far better and it is organised and I get my own desk! It is mostly staffed by Aussies and South Africans. It is at Guy's St Thomas Hospital which is one of the major hospitals in Central London so that is cool.

I've been enjoying my time here lately. I've been out and about a lot doing a bit of the English thing of drinking too much but always having fun and taking forever to go home on the night buses (Night buses are a thing on their own they can be fun - lots of drunk happy people on the one bus or sometimes a bit scary as sometimes the people aren't so happy and a fist-fight breaks out). But also going nice things like going out for coffee and dinners. This is a photo of me in central London with the Gherkin in the background. It always makes me laugh a rather suggestive building.

Also been having fun with my housemates (see below) discovering new parts of London, lovely french cafes and playing tennis (where one of my housemates Tim (who is normally so placid and easy going) managed to reveal his dark competitive side by deliberately serving into my head after I made a mistake, he was my team mate!

It is reasonably cold here but not as bad as I thought. It was quite warm for winter then we had a week of cold snap where it snowed. This photos is our backyard. Right now it is back up to being not so cold again.

Speaking of cold I am off to Canada in 5 days. For two weeks of fun in the snow! Canada is having their best season in 9 years while Europe is struggling for snow! My friend Kate (who I met in Europe) is working at Lake Louise and I am going to visit for a while. Also my housemate Becky and my Friends Matt and Suzanne are going to be there for a while.

So keep and eye out for more blog posts


At 8:51 PM, Blogger Danny said...

Hey Alicia, glad to hear you're enjoying yourself in jolly ol London, keep up the blogging!

At 1:58 AM, Blogger David said...

We should have played tennis, I could have been your team mate and hit a few into your head....then you might have stayed in Melbourne!!! Missing you. Your ex-workmate and chocolate buddy.

At 7:02 AM, Blogger Alicia said...

Hey Dave you should have served into my head!!!!

Are you, yourself back in Melbourne!


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