Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Former Tennis Star Found in Lowther Road

Check out the uncanny resemblance between my housemate Rob and Pat Cash. We discovered this in a limoncello fueled night of "Monday Madness" at my house.

Housemate Profile

Name: Robert O'Neill

Nicknames: Robbo!

Age: 31

Profession: Animation modeler (currently working on Harry Potter)

Nationality: Kiwi (who wishes he was an Aussie)

Catch phrases: "Right-O", "Hey skippy"

Likes: Chilli, taking romantic baths.

Dislikes: Chavs, England, Ginger Haired People.

Favourite Rants:
Global warming conspiracy theories
Chavs and the state of UK securities and immigration
UK Washing machines


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