Enjoying London
I know I have got quite a few blog posts on London but I have been really enjoying it here lately. It has been cold and we had this awful fog for a while and it is always grey and although it is light (only until 4pm) you never really see the sun.
Adam arrived and has been here a week. He has been entertaining himself by exploring London during the day while I work. We have been hanging out in the evenings.
On the weekend we went on a walking tour of London which was really good. I learnt a lot more about the history of the city, amazing how many times it has been rebuilt after fires and wars. All that and most of it is still older than our country (the English colonization and settlement). It was also great to see how all London links up (difficult to see when you travel on the tube). We also went on the London Eye which was really cool, again great views of London and finally a day without fog so you could see.
For Christmas we had a not too traditional feast but a great day. Quiet in terms of the Christmas sense with just the two of us but we did make some calls to home. We started with the very Aussie garlic and chili prawns. While waiting for mains we slipped in a bit of a cheese course. Then we made with love my famous roast veggie lasagna, with salad. Followed by traditional Christmas pudding with ice cream. All this with champers and vino. Then we were so stuffed full that it was time for couch rest and movie on the TV. Later that evening after a few hours not content with feeling full not absolutely stuffed we had another cheese course.
Boxing day we went out to Greenwich unfortunately the observatory was closed but we did see the meridian line and get a nice grey view of the city. Later that night a drink with my housemate.
Also we went to an exhibition at the Tate modern. It is a German artist who has installed 5 giant slides in the gallery the biggest is 5 stories high and you can get up to 38 mph on one of them. It is about the "inner spectacle" of being on a slide. Well they do look cool, and are bloody fun. For a view see http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/exhibitions/carstenholler/default.shtm
It has been really great having Adam here, a friend from home to share my new home with. Also someone who I can chat and have a laugh with so easily. Also someone to get into a bit of mischief with. So far we have been busted trespassing on a military college grounds (we thought it would be ok to duck under 3 rows of tape) and kicked out of a Internet cafe for exploiting their poor security for free Internet. What is next?
Well we are off to Dublin for new years.
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