Oh Canada! - Lake Louise
Well, I have been in Canada now for a week and a half so I feel a little lazy for not writing sooner. I arrived here after an awful flight. Full of kids kicking my chair and sitting next to a guy who snored. I'm in Lake Louise which is a large ski resort in the Canadian Rockies. It's so pretty here an you get spectacular views from the mountain.
My friend Kate was going to pick me up for the airport. I knew she would be a little late but 4 hours later she picked me up in a van full of drunken friends. Then I was whisked away to a party. It was good fun but after over 24 hours of not sleeping a 4am arrival was not what I needed. The couple of days I felt like crap and it took a while for the jet lag to go.
My first day out boarding I managed to score some free rentals. However I was taken on a rather not snowboard friendly run with narrow paths and lots of flat bits eckk! That evening was spent with a drunken party in the hostel and then moving on to the local "dance night" at one of the hotels. The night life here is sparse there is only 2 bars which are both kind of lame. But I was drunk and it was fun to have a bit of a dance. The Canadian flag sticky tape I managed to swipe from the party made for bit of fun too! Lake louise is only a tiny village which is located near well a huge ski field and believe it or not a lake!
The next day I went into Banff the nearest town, with some of Kate's friends Jim a snowboard instructor and Guy from rentals. I got myself all kitted up with a new board, boots, bindings and a bag. For a good price compaired to the UK.
The next day I got a free lesson with Jim which was good! Since then I have had 2 more lessons one with a great English instructor Trevor and am improving and feeling a little more confident. I have started doing blue runs. I have my good and bad days. It is funny some days you regress and others you do well. I am yet to understand why this may be.
It was so great to see Kate again. I forgot how much of a party animal she is! It is beyond me how someone can drink everynight. Then get up early for work, work all day then snowboard for 2 hours then to it all over again with out a rest in between! But we had a lot of fun. Her friends are lovely and have really looked after me with lots of help and they are all very sweet! Mark and Jaqui are a lovely couple here. Jim is lovely and he and Guy are always chasing tail which provides much amusement to us all.
the snow has been good and it is cold at times I am covered in bruises from all my falls off the snowboard, but I am really enjoying myself.
A highlight was getting to make my first snowman. Sure he was kind of lame but we made him in a hurry in about 5 minutes. We missed the last bus because we were drinking in a bar. So Jim in his tiny car shuttled us back to the hostel. While we were waiting, we made our snowman.

There were some guys working on the road clearing snow and digging with excavators. We asked one of them for a ride so Jaqui, Kate and I hoped in the cabin and went around pusing snow digging up the road. It was soooo much fun. But the driver thought it would be funny to smash our snowman. We watched in horror as he was flattened in less than a second. Quite tragic considering we lost some toonies and loonies which were used for his eyes and mouth. We then tried to threatened to smash Jims car. Ha ha
Good post.
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