New Years & Dublin
So New Years, New Years. It is always a dissapointment isn't it. Well this year I had a great one. No hype just good friends and fun. Read below for my adventures in Dublin (not really so many adventures I did do a lot of much needed relaxing but had a wonderful time).
Adam and I flew into Dublin airport to be greeted by my friend from Univeristy and fellow audiologist extrodinare Angela. This was the first time since Canada that I have been greeted at an airport. Why am I telling you this you might ask. In the last 12 months I have taken so many flights >20 and every time I emerge from an airport you see all these expectant faces looking at you waiting for someone. Only I pass them by and keep walking and feel a bit sad that no-one is waiting for me. It was so nice to come out of the gates and have such a lovely smiling face waiting for you and to be greeted by a big hug.
Angela lives in Dublin with her boyfriend Ronan, his brother Conor was also over visiting from Australia. They are lovely boys and lots of fun too.
That night Angela took us into central Dublin. Much smaller than London but has some great areas which are great for shopping and nightlife. We went to a great bar restaurant for dinner and got a little merry, well Adam got a lot merry.
The next day Angela, Adam and I drove out to Bray and climbed up a big hill with a cross on top for a great view of the coast. Then down in to town for lunch.
Then we drove through the Wicklow mountains with was quite spectacular. At one stage we got out of the car and it was so windy you had to fight to get the door open. Angela had a major freak out in the car and began driving on the wrong side of the road as she was scared we would fall off the edge. After a quick driver change with Adam now behind the wheel, we continued through the mountains with Ang in the back squealing hiding under my coat while Adam and I laughed. Poor thing.

New years day was spent watching TV and relaxing to the max. Something I have not done in a while so it was nice. Conor went back home to Aus so Ronan and Ang were a little sad.
The next day another drive again, out to some tombs that looked liked they would have been cool to visit but all the tours were full for the day, we went to the visitor centre but it was pretty lame.
After much procrastinating, mainly for the fact that the wind directed the rain to pelt right into you face, Adam and I headed out for Central Dublin. We went to Trinity College and saw the book of Kells. An ancient old religious book that is elaborately decorated. Pretty interesting but the whole religious things gets a bit lost on me. Then lunch and attempting to walk around but not enjoying the wetness.

That night we took Angela and Ronan out to dinner to say thanks for there wonderful hospitality.
Now I am back in London and off to work tomorrow. Noooooo not the real world.