Well this is a little late, but it is time I wrote a blog post of my time in London.
I arrived early in the morning after a very dull flight with little sleep and a broken in-flight entertainment system. After a bit of confusion and waiting at heathrow for 4 hours Danny came and picked me up and we headed to his place.

Later that night we headed into central london and walked around soho. We got some vietnamese food which I was dying for after South America. Then we walked to Picadilly Circus, watched some great buskers, then to trafalgar square. Then just random wandering around getting slightly lost and ending up in the homosexual part of town.

The next day I woke up feeling like I was hit by a bus with some Jetlag. I pulled myself together and headed into town and got a phone (which I did not want but is necessary for work) and some work clothes.

Then I visited Trafalgar Square again where I took some photos, then on to Downing st, Big ben and Wesminster Abby.
The next day up early to go visit the Queen and that I did. I headed to Buckingham palace to see the changing of the guard, it was kind of cool a lot of red and marching. But I did get to see the Queen well I think I did. Just before the ceremony the gates opened and two bentleys drove out with a police escort. The nearby crowd started applauding. All I got to see really was her hat but I thought it was pretty cool.

That afternoon was spent trying to sort a bank account for about 3 hours which proved very unsucessfull.

Afterwards I headed to the tower of london which was actally really interesting, I got to see the crown jewels which was cool.
That evening I caught up with Angie from my old band who is living as a nanny in a very fancy part of town where the rich and famous live. So we walked around and then headed to camden town which is a very cool alternative area where we had dinner and some drinks. It was great to see her again, she seems really happy there.
The next day I tried with no avail to shop for some work clothes in the morning. But spent most of my time at Danny's house which is a small house that is full of 9 Aussies and Kiwis which is pretty crazy, it is in the real aussie part of town too called shepherd's bush, where there is an "Australian" pub but it is kind of crazy and really multicultural which I liked.
The afternoon after an almost 2 hour tube trip (I now know why everyone hates the tube) I met up with my friend Matt from Ireland, whom I met in Argentina. We spent the afternoon eating ice-cream and enjoying the plesant English weather (plesant for me is what is described as "hot" here). That night I went to a party where there were about 20 other Australians, after being only able to stand it for 1 hour I left and caught up with Matt and Suzanne a lovely couple whom I met snowboarding in Argentina for a few drinks.
The next morning up at 5am so I could get to the airport in time for my flight to Scotland. Where I am now in the city of Dundee working.
Yeaaaaaah, go Alicia - great seeing you again, if only briefly - look forward to our next encounter!
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