Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Well I am in Pucon, a town in the Lake District of Chile. It is a very beautiful town. It has a very european influence, many of the buildings are wood styled cabins and remind me of what a small town in Germany or Switzerland should look like. Normally it is very touristy every second shop being a tourist agency or a shop geared at tourists, but as it is winter there are very few tourists here. There are lots of lovely bakeries and chocolate shops as well.

The town is near two lakes and looming in the background is a perfect conical volcano. It is very picturesque and there are many hotsprings as well.

Pucon is also the adventure capital of Chile with many activities such as; climbing the volcano and then sliding down, horse riding rafting and hidrospeeding (like rafting but without the raft).

But Pucon sucks, the three days I have had here have had very terrible rain. Which means I have spent most of my time in the hostel by the fire hopelessly looking out the window. Many of the activities are cancelled in the rain. So the most adventurous I have been is going for a walk through the town and around the lake.

One good thing is that nearly everyone at my hostel is a native spanish speaker. A guy from Spain, a guy from Chile, a girl from Peru and some Brasilians (who normally speak Portuges), so I have been able to practise my spanish a lot which is good.

I got to see the volcano once but did not have my camera, so here is a picture of what the volcano and lake should look like.

But bear in mind all I got to see was grey clouds everywhere


At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey alicia, sounds like your having such a good time!!!!! i wish i was back there!

I have a couple of pictures of that from when I was there...

I believe that is the correct volcano ;)


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