Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Friday, December 30, 2005


Carolyn tells me it is not a Vancouver Duck. It is a Canada Goose.

Sitting in a Nerd Cafe

Hey all, with Carolyn in a Vancouver internet gaming cafe. There's a lot of gamers here and it's super dark. So I can't see what I'm doing. Having lots of fun and laughs with Carolyn, been walking around the city a lot it's nice. Bit cold but getting used to it. I haven't done lots of the tourist stuff but enjoying seeing the city. There is a Vancouver duck they are cool, and pretty big in real life. Happy New Years.....See you in the Rockies.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

American Airlines worst airline in the world

Well, that is my claim. Good flight from Melbourne to LA. Flight from LA to Dallas was a little rough and I managed to throw up.

The big deal was the flight from Dallas to Vancouver we were all on the plane and about to take off when the pilot announces that "the right engine is totaly stuffed and has a hole it it. Some how a rock had hit it and maintainence failed to pick it up. so 3 Hrs later we get a new plane I arrive in Vancouver at 9pm 30 hours after I have left. However my luggage is still in Dallas. Wearing some of my own clothes and some of Carolyn's well. Even though my trip sounds like a disaster so far I'm having fun. I got to see a hockey game at a bar.

My bag just arrived a couple of hours ago so I'm happy. Fresh undies! Yeah!!!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Start

Hi all,

This is my first post. It's the day before I leave and I'm only just starting to feel a little nervous and excited. I will miss all my friends and family very much but I'm looking forward to the adventures that lie ahead. I had a lovely Christmas and hope you all did as well.

Have a great new years.