Dundee, the city of discovery

Well, Dundee is called the city of discovery as discovery is the name of an old English boat that sits down the shoreline, but there is not much to discover there.
That said I was somewhat plesantly suprised by Dundee. I had a two week locum position at the Ninewells hospital. Having never even heard of Dundee and what I did hear was a Scottish guy making fun of it I did not have high expectations.

Dundee is Scotlands 4th largest city with around 140,000 people. It was very industrial but it is somewhat undergoing some revamping and it is prettier than I thought it would be.
I lived in the nurses residence on the hospital grounds so getting to work was a 10 minute walk. As it was a short locum I jumped back into work straight away, it was a little slow going at first but just like getting back on a bike. For those of you who dont know, work back home I was doing tests for an ENT clinic :)
The people I worked with were really lovely they all had a great sense of humor and worked well together, so a big hello to everyone at Ninewell's audiology Charlene, Anne, David, Paul, Amanda and Ivan. I should have got a picture of you guys (maybe one of you can send me one!) Charlene let me know if you ever find your scottish dream boy.
All my patients were lovely too and it was hard to fit all the testing in in 20 mins as they always wanted to talk to me about their holiday in Australia.
That said some of the towns people were a little rough around the edges, homemade tats, missing teeth, a lot of teenage mums and kids spitting off buses. But that was a few and even then when you spoke to them they were pretty good people.
There is not a huge lot to do in town apart from shopping. So I spent some of my weekend checking out the nearest sights. Broughty ferry is a lovely seaside town with beautiful old buildings, a sandy beach and a castle.

I also went to St. Andrews, home of brittish golf, it was very touristy but again very pretty full of lovely shops, pubs and golf shops galore. I went to the old cathedral, walked around town saw a Scottish wedding. I walked around some of the golf courses while the jets from the nearby RAF base roared overhead.
I do not have too many photos as I forgot my camera.
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