Alicia and the Picaros!

A Blog of my adventures as I travel around the world.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Things I love about Cuba

The US interests office, has a building in Havana. They have a LCD screen running messages about how Cuba violates human rights, a few days after the sign was put in place, The cuban government put about 100 flagpoles with cuban flags on it so you can not read it. He he he politics.

Cuban fast food, the absence of corporate fast food is quite refreshing. Instead, enrepreneural cubans sell, homemade pizza, icecream, sandwiches and hamburgers from their windows. And street pizza, for 8 cuabn pesos which is about 30c it keep this girl from hunger.

Baseball the cubans go nuts for it. Again with the politics during the world cup of baseball on TV during the cuba vs puero rico match. An ex-cuban sat behind the batter with a down with fidel sign of course the cuban government went in to a tailspin as they could not censor the sign or stop the broadcast, as that would have been very unpopular. So within 12 hours a huge rally and concert had been orgainsed to support the revolution.

Of course the music is great and the Rum too!

Random funny storey, after putting up with the machisimo all day I saw some guy saying look whilst pointing to his crutch I looked the other way, but he ran around and showed me again. This time I was fed up and I told him pretty much to fuck off in spanish. After walking another 10m down the street I realised my fly was undone and that they guy had been trying to tell me. I turned to see if he was still there to say sorry but he was long gone!


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